Double Cover Concrete Spacers

Offers two separate covers on different sides of the spacer. Heavy-duty, fibre reinforced, extruded concrete spacers have an optimum compatibility with the concrete. They offer both strength and durability to match your present application. The properties of the concrete spacers offer the numerous advantages including high compressive strength, excellent bonding properties as well as meeting the requirements of BS7973 and concrete Best Practice Guide produced by the European Concrete Societies Network.

Offers Two Separate covers on different sides of the spacer.

*All products are sold in pack sizes assigned.
*All prices on the table are per pack.

*Minimum total order £100.

Product Code Concrete Cover (mm) Pack Size Pallet Qty
SDCS2530 25-30 500 25000
SDCS3040 30-40 250 15000
SDCS4050 40-50 200 10000
SDCS6075 60-75 50 2500